West Woodland Elementary

West Woodland

PTA Board

West Woodland PTA Board

We are seeking volunteers for the West Woodland PTA Board for the 2025-2026 school year. Position descriptions and estimated time commitments are listed here. 

The PTA Board meets monthly. For a schedule of upcoming meeting times, please check the School Calendar.

Contact presidents@westwoodlandpta.org to learn more.

2024-2025 Position Holders:
Presidents Patrick Jakubowski & Sarah Pelonio presidents@westwoodlandpta.org
Treasurers Jacqui Barnes & Sarah Shaikh treasurer@westwoodlandpta.org
Secretaries Becky Neff & Jen Vieth  secretaries@westwoodlandpta.org
Volunteer Coordinators:  Rachel Rigdon-Bel & Open Position  volunteer@westwoodlandpta.org
Enrichment Coordinator  Natascha Denny-Brown & Open Position enrichment@westwoodlandpta.org
Arts Coordinator Erin Langner & Regina Van Overschelde art@westwoodlandpta.org
Fundraising Sarah Mundal & Open Position fundraising@westwoodlandpta.org
Legislative Liaison  Carrie Traner & Beth Sadak  legislative@westwoodlandpta.org
Membership Coordinator Liz Kelly & Erin Osher  membership@westwoodlandpta.org
Member at Large Kamm Teply memberatlarge@westwoodlandpta.org
Special Education Liaisons  Michal Goldring & Krista Lauer speced@westwoodlandpta.org
Communications Megan Nordlund & Mary Pasch  communications@westwoodlandpta.org
Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) Darci Aeder & Danny Rees face@westwoodlandpta.org

Race and Equity Liaison Julianna Rigg-Hillard & Erika Novak raceandequity@westwoodlandpta.org
Principal Dr. Mendoza
Teacher Representative Suzy Leth and Alessandra Farno
Kids Inc. Representative Open Position

Non-PTA Position Holders:
Annual Appeal Fundraising Rachel Rigdon-Bel & Mary Pasch annualappeal@westwoodlandpta.org

Yearbook yearbook@westwoodlandpta.org

Lost and Found lostandfound@westwoodlandpta.org

Talent Show Mary Pasch talentshow@westwoodlandpta.org

Choir Donna Brodland choir@westwoodlandpta.org