West Woodland Elementary

West Woodland

Annual Appeal

Annual Appeal (Fall)

Our Annual Appeal in the Fall is where we aim to raise the majority of our funds. This is a 2 1/2-week long, direct giving campaign. We communicate our financial goal for the year, and ask that you donate if you are able. WWPTA is a 501(c)(3) organization, and many companies offer corporate matching, which is a great way to double your contribution!

When you give to West Woodland’s Annual Appeal, you invest in a scholar and an innovator. You invest in an artist. You invest in a musician. You invest in a problem-solver and a global citizen. You invest in your child and our community.

Annual Appeal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Every student will receive an Orange Response Card. Return response cards between September 29-October 27. Donations can be paid all at once or in 9 monthly installments, and they can be paid online (recommended) or by check. Contributions are 100% tax deductible and can be corporate-matched. The goal is 100% of the cards returned, whether or not you donate.

Your Annual Appeal support has a direct impact on all classrooms in the school.

Instructional Grant: Academic Intervention Support, Social and Emotional Learning, Administrative Support

Classroom & Library Support:  Teacher Spending Accounts, Library Books, Learning Tools, Classroom Supplies

Arts & Technology:  Instrumental Music, Art Docent, Artist in Residence Program, Technology Equipment

Programs & Events: TCB Day, Field Day, BLAST, Bike and Walk Programs, Talent Night, Scholarships, PTA Meetings/Parent Education, Playground Equipment, Community Events, Graduation

Admin/Operations: PTA operational expenses.

The Annual Appeal always kicks off on curriculum night. An orange card will be at your child’s desk on curriculum night. If you weren’t able to attend curriculum night, the orange card will be put in kid mail to come home with your child. Still don’t see it? Ask your teacher for a replacement!

Your company will most likely need some tax information. Please check out our Corporate Matching page for more information.

The PTA is asking for $525 for each child attending West Woodland.  In fact, the PTA will spend over $525 on each child this year. This money will ensure that quality instruction and enrichment opportunities will continue throughout this school year.

You can! Once you complete the online form, just clip your check to the Orange Response Card and send it back in your child’s folder, or drop it off in the main office.

Please make your check payable to the “West Woodland PTA”.

Yes, your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Tax receipt letters will be provided via email once the Annual Appeal has concluded. Please contact wwannualappeal@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Donations online are processed using a secure server. Any gifts given to the Annual Appeal–either one-time donations or monthly pledges–will be handled by the Annual Appeal Treasurer, with oversight from the PTA treasurer.  All information is kept strictly confidential.

If you have any questions or concerns about your gift, please contact the Annual Appeal Treasurer directly. For any other questions, please contact the annual appeal team at wwannualappeal@gmail.com.

Yes. Simply follow the instructions on your orange response card & it will walk you through the process.

No. The PTA is hoping to raise the vast majority of the PTA budget through the Annual Appeal. Any remaining funds necessary to complete this budget will be raised in the spring at our fundraising event – a festive, social event. The Annual Appeal has eliminated the numerous smaller fundraisers that most schools rely on throughout the year. 

This is an extra recess your student can earn if he or she is part of the grade level that has turned in the highest percentage of Orange Response Card(s) at the end of the Annual Appeal campaign. That’s why the PTA wants you to turn in your Orange Response Card(s) whether you donate or not. The winning grade level is chosen based upon the percentage of cards returned – not money raised.

The Aiming for Equity planning team suggested changing the timing of the Aiming for Equity fundraiser to be in the Spring 2023. If you would like to be involved in further Aiming for Equity planning, please reach out to the PTA Presidents – presidents@westwoodlandpta.org.